Freedom of religion as a fundamental human right, both for individuals and representative social groups, is being increasingly eroded in its legal certainty, becoming rather a challenge for countries and international organizations.
And what importance and rights, if any, are granted to the other side of religion freedom, i.e. freedom from religion? What is the specific legal status of non believers in European nations – all of which provide special laws protecting religions? Are there any direct norms concerning nones, or is it only possible to reason “by subtraction”, a contrariis from legally recognized faiths?
The conference organized in Brussels aimed to provide a comprehensive overview and a concrete synopsis of non believers’ legal status in Europe, according to national and transnational legislations, and to outline the boundaries of that part of freedom of conscience taking the form of freedom of not believing.
With contributions by N. Colaianni, G. Ercolessi, M. Croce, J. P. Schreiber, T. Heinrichs, C. G. Brown and J. Mair, F. Alicino, G. Gaetani, P. Manduca, S. Baldassarre, C. Sciuto, Y. Dheur, R. Carcano.
Edited by Adele Orioli.
Proceedings of the Conference “Non Believers’ Europe”. Models of Secularism, Individual Statuses, Collective Rights. Brussels, 22-23 March 2018
Atti del Convegno “L’Europa di chi non crede”. Modelli di laicità, status individuali, diritti collettivi. Bruxelles, 22-23 marzo 2018
In inglese con contributi affiancati dalla versione in lingua originale.